Double click Instinct_1.1.0.exe
and follow the instructions.
The VST3 will be installed at C:\ProgramFiles\Common Files\VST3\
by default.
You can choose to install the VST2 version of plugin in your custom plugin folder or use the default location C:\ProgramFiles\Common Files\VST2\
The presets will be installed at C:\Users\your user name\Documents\Inertia Sound Systems\Plugin Presets\Instinct\
The manual will be placed at C:\Users\your user name\Documents\Inertia Sound Systems\Manuals\Instinct\
Double click Instinct_1.1.0.dmg
and follow the instructions.
The Audio Unit plugin will be installed at /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/
, the VST at /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/
and the VST3 at /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/
The presets will installed at /Users/Shared/Inertia Sound Systems /Plugin Presets/Instinct/
The manual will be placed at /Users/Shared/Inertia Sound Systems/Plugin Presets/Instinct/
script and follow the instructionsThe VST & VST3 versions will be installed at ~/.vst/
& ~/.vst3/
folders respectively.
The presets will be installed at ∼/.config/Inertia Sound Systems/Plugin Presets/Instinct/
The manual will be placed at ∼/Documents/Inertia Sound Systems/manuals/Instinct/